Welcome to St Joseph’s College. I am delighted that you have chosen to spend time exploring the St Joseph’s College website. I hope that it helps you to understand just what an exceptional place this is to learn, to teach and to work.
St Joseph’s is a community built on Catholic Christian values. We encourage every child to do and give of their best for God whilst showing great love for their neighbour and the world around them. These values are embraced by families of all faiths and none, as they recognise that we are focused on helping a child discern their future and accomplish their ambitions. We know that there is a future full of hope that is unique to each of them and we equip them with the skills, knowledge and confidence to grasp it fully.
A Year 6 pupil told me that what he liked most about St Joseph’s was that ‘You are more than a name or a number; the teachers know who you really are – inside and out – you matter to them’. Our small class sizes and single site mean that we are a school that cares for each other like a family. Every student is seen and known and their journey from 3-18 is seamless within reception, primary school, secondary school and sixth form. Their education is structured around them, not the other way around. They are encouraged, challenged, and supported as an individual by peers and staff alike and provided with excellent pastoral care.
As a school we strive to ensure that all students meet their potential and make the most of their God-given gifts. Primarily, this is in the classroom and ultimately the exam hall, yet we are equally keen to allow them to flourish in the concert hall, theatre, art sudio, computer suite, kitchen, or on the sports field.
We stretch our students, find their strengths, support their needs, and celebrate their dreams; bringing out the best of everybody. At St Joseph’s no child is lost in the middle; all make an impression in the classroom and are supported accordingly. Equally we want them to give something back and be of service to others, and we put an important emphasis on having respect for every member of our diverse local and global community.
What you see online can only give you a glimpse of what we are about, and I would like to personally invite you to make the experience real by visiting us for an Open Morning or private visit and take the opportunity to meet with our staff, and current students, who can share more about what makes St Joseph’s special for them.
In the meantime, learn more online with our Senior School Virtual Tour
Laura Stotesbury