We have a number of partnerships with other schools, organisations and charities, including:
We Grow You Grow
Built in collaboration with the Thomas Franks Foundation, the College now has a lovely allotment, with a range of growing areas, including a greenhouse, raised beds and other growing zones where the pupils can learn about how the garden grows and practical aspects of planting.
Kidmore Primary School
A group of St Joseph’s GCSE and A Level Music students were commissioned to compose a school song for Kidmore End Primary School. Members of the Kidmore End school council visited St Joseph’s Music Centre on two occasions and talked about their school’s values of Kindness, Respect, Curiosity and Resilience and what was important to include in the song’s lyrics.
Redlands Primary School
Redlands Primary have use of St Joseph’s sports field for their sports day and use of the swimming pool.
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Year 12 pupils went to Lourdes with Portsmouth Diocese, as part of their Duke of Edinburgh, who have offered the opportunity to other students for next summer.
CAFOD – Young Leadership Programme Year 12
The CAFOD Young Leaders programme is an excellent opportunity to partner with other Catholic Schools in the Diocese to learn about and actively respond to local and global issues of social justice. Our Young leaders get involved in training and development programmes to lead CAFOD campaigns, raise awareness and fundraise.
CAFOD’s commitment to their young leaders is an excellent foundation for opportunities to develop an understanding of international development, issues relating to global poverty. And get active in tackling the causes of these in practical ways. The St Joseph’s
CAFOD group volunteers at Flame Congress at Wembley Arena and has had the opportunity to meet with MPs at Parliament on the issue of sustainability.
Sylvian Domiciliary Care – Singing for the Brain Delivery Partner
Sixth Form students have partnered with Sylvian Domiciliary Care and the Alzheimer’s Society to help deliver support service through singing for people living with dementia, their carers, family and friends.
Voluntary Work in Care Home
Some Sixth Form students volunteering in local care home.
- College Charity 2024-2025 Guide Dogs
- College Charity 2023 – 2024 Reading Refugee Support Group
- Surplus to Purpose Reading Family Aid Christmas Appeal
- Young Minds – Hello Yellow
- Year 11 – Sleep Out for Launchpad
- ReadiFood – Harvest
- Cowshed
House Charity
Charity and outreach projects play a massive role in our College’s House system. Through House, all students unite under the banners of Richardson, Dixon, Hummel, and Jennings and compete for House points throughout the academic year. However, it is when our Houses join forces that we make a significant difference to the charities we support. Our House Captains are tasked with nominating a shortlist of local charities, which is put to a whole College student vote to decide which charity we will adopt for the academic year.
This academic year (2024–2025), the students enthusiastically voted to support Guide Dogs as our School Charity of the Year. We are incredibly proud of their choice, as it reflects their compassion for individuals living with visual impairments and their understanding of the transformative impact guide dogs have on people’s independence and well-being. House Captains have taken the lead on various fundraising initiatives, including themed non-uniform days, charity fayres, singing and school events for students and parents alike. We are inspired by our students’ dedication to making a difference in the community and look forward to seeing the positive impact their efforts will have in supporting Guide Dogs and those who rely on their services.