St. Joseph’s College seeks to equip our young people with the character and skills necessary to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world. Careers and Futures guidance at St. Joseph’s aims to deliver this objective. We do this by preparing our students for further education, higher education, apprenticeships, the world of work and the possibilities available to leavers who might want to take a GAP year before embarking upon the next stage of their lives. The Careers and Futures Department seeks to ensure that each student benefits from expert advice in Careers Education. Every student has access to Unifrog, our online careers platform, encounters with employers and employees, experiences in workplaces, encounters with further and higher education and personal guidance. Many of these objectives are similar to the Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Careers Guidance.
Students also receive the following guidance and programmes:

Year 7
Students are introduced to Unifrog, our online careers platform, when they join in September. Every student has their own account which they can access at any time, at school and at home, which they will keep throughout their time at St. Joseph’s. Form Careers sessions introduce students to career terminology, an awareness of different careers and an understanding of how certain careers match their personality. This is supported by the PSHEE Programme where they look at career stereotypes. All year 7 students participate in the ‘Interview a Parent’ assignment during the Easter vacation. Upon their return to School they share their experience with their peers and record their experience on Unifrog.

Year 8
Confidence in using Unifrog is continued in Year 8 when students start to consider what they want from a career and identify different employability skills. They continue to investigate different careers.

Year 9
Students start to identify their employability skills/competencies and record them on Unifrog to support their University and employment applications. They also engage in activities to develop their employability skills, e.g. teamwork. Students are made aware of the implications of GCSE and A-level choices for future careers and are encouraged to use Unifrog when deciding which GCSE subjects to choose. Every student is able to meet with a school staff member to discuss their GCSE subject choices and possible post 16/post 18 career path.

Year 10
Students spend two days outside of school on a ‘work experience’ placement in June.
They are encouraged to undertake placements where they can gain new experiences and enhance their transferable skills. All students have access to Unifrog that enables them to reflect upon and record their work experience placement and then access it for UCAS, employment and volunteering applications in later years. Students continue to develop their employability skills, e.g. leadership and communication which they record using their own examples on Unifrog. This will be used as a reference when applying to university or for jobs. Students are also taught the importance of the activities that they take part in in developing them as a person and record them on Unifrog for future reference. Unifrog psychometric testing is initiated which helps students identify suitable career pathways for them.
Year 11
Students continue to develop their employability skills. One to one career and options interviews are offered to students to help finalise their post 16 choices. This guidance is further enhanced during the Sixth Form Open Evening in October. All Heads of Departments and Senior Management are in attendance to help students to make well informed, realistic decisions about their future A level subject selections. Students are provided with access to resources, including Unifrog, and encouraged to research career options. Careers and Futures advice is also available on GCSE results day in August.

Year 12
One to one careers meetings are organised with the Head of Careers and Futures. Information gathered about possible University courses and future career ideas are used to educate Unifrog, enabling more personalised information to be shared about upcoming webinars and online talks connected to their possible choices. The Year 12 Higher Education programme begins in January with all students attending dedicated career lessons. Enrichment lessons allow students to research their education and career pathways and to identify their competencies and activities needed to build a strong UCAS personal statement and evidence for interview. All students attend a Yearly UCAS fair to investigate university options. Students who are making a competitive application (Oxbridge, Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Science) are invited to extra sessions to support them though the application process. In May/June, all Y12 students visit a university campus and take an active part in the UCAS and Apprenticeship Day when external speakers from various UK universities lead workshops and presentations in school and students begin their UCAS applications. Form Tutors supervise this and students begin to plan and write their Personal Statements. Students are also updated on higher/degree apprenticeships and hear talks from current apprentices. Students are offered further Unifrog psychometric testing to help identify suitable career pathways for them.
Year 13
At the beginning of Year 13, the Careers and Futures Department, Tutors, Form Tutors and the Head and Deputy of the Sixth Form are available to help students finalise their UCAS application. Oxbridge, Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science applicants have regular meetings to prepare them for admissions tests, interviews and the general application process. These students also have external and internal practice interviews. All Year 13 students are aware that they can visit the Careers and Futures Department for support and guidance at any time throughout the year. The students are seen on an individual basis to discuss any ideas or problems they might have regarding GAP years, apprenticeships, work, university and UCAS. The Careers and Futures Department also offers interview practice for students on request. The Careers and Futures Department, Head and Deputy of the Sixth Form, Deputy Heads and Heads of Departments are all available on A Level results day to support candidates who need additional support on this day.
Students in years 9, 10, 11 and 12 also have the opportunity to attend the school Careers and Futures Fair which enables them to meet a range of employers, Universities, Alumni and attend informational presentations about life after St. Joseph’s. Also, starting in September 2024, the school will be hosting regular podcasts with alumni. This will allow our ex-students to share their experiences about ‘Life after St. Joe’s’ and to offer extra information about courses, accommodation, finances, food, exra-curricular clubs/societies and any other nuggets of wisdom that they accumulated since leaving our school.
“ I’ve always loved art, at St Joseph’s the teachers are so supportive and let you express your creativity.”